Terms of Sales


This site, accessible at the URL ateliermarkiz.com (the “ Site ”), is published by:

Atelier Markiz company, with capital of 1000 euros, registered with the Paris RCS under number Paris B 984 264 705 , whose head office is located at 51 avenue du Général Michel Bizot, 75012 Paris , represented by Alexane Augeraud duly authorized (hereinafter referred to as the “ Operator ”).

The Operator's individual VAT number is: FR55984264705 .

The Site is hosted by the company Shopify Inc. whose head office is located at 126 York St. Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5 in Canada.

The Site's Publication Director is Alexane Augeraud.

The Operator can be reached at the following telephone number 0637113079 and to the following email address hello@ateliermarkiz.com.


The General Conditions of Sale (the “ General Conditions of Sale ”, or the “ CGV ”) are applicable exclusively to the online sale of products offered by the Operator on the Website.

The General Terms and Conditions are made available to customers on the Site where they can be directly consulted and can also be communicated to them on simple request by any means.

The General Conditions of Sale are enforceable against the customer who acknowledges, by checking a box or clicking on the button provided for this purpose, having been aware of them and having accepted them before placing an order. Validation of the order by its confirmation constitutes acceptance by the buyer of the General Terms and Conditions in force on the day of the order, the conservation and reproduction of which are ensured by the Operator.


The Site is an online sales site for accessories for pets and humans (hereinafter the “ Product(s) ”) open to any natural or legal person using the Site (the “ Customer ”).

The Products presented on the Site are each subject to a description (established by the supplier or accessible on the manufacturer's site via a link on the Site) mentioning their essential characteristics. The photographs illustrating, where applicable, the products do not constitute a contractual document. The instructions for using the Product, if it is an essential element, appear on the Site or are sent at the latest upon delivery. The Products comply with the requirements of current French law.

The Customer remains responsible for the terms and consequences of his access to the Site, particularly via the Internet. This access may involve the payment of fees to technical service providers such as Internet access providers, which remain the responsibility of the user. In addition, the Customer must provide and be fully responsible for the equipment necessary to connect to the Site.

The Customer acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration it uses is secure and in working order.


To place an order on the Site, the Customer must first create their personal customer area. Once created, to access it, the Customer must identify themselves using their username and secret, personal and confidential password. It is the Customer's responsibility not to communicate his username and password in accordance with the provisions of the PERSONAL DATA article of these General Conditions. Each Customer undertakes to maintain strict confidentiality regarding the data, in particular username and password, allowing him to access his customer area, the Customer acknowledging that he is the only one responsible for access to the Service through his username and password, unless fraud is proven. Each Customer further undertakes to immediately inform the Operator in the event of a loss, misappropriation or fraudulent use of their identifier and/or password.

After creating their personal customer area, the Customer will receive an email confirming the creation of the latter.

The Customer undertakes when registering to:

  • deliver real, accurate, up-to-date information at the time of entry into the service registration form, and in particular not to use false names or addresses, or names or addresses without being authorized to do so.
  • maintain registration data up to date in order to permanently guarantee its real, accurate and up-to-date nature.

The Client further undertakes not to make available or distribute illicit or objectionable information (such as defamatory or identity theft information) or even harmful information (such as viruses). Otherwise, the Operator will be able to suspend or terminate the Customer's access to the Site at its sole discretion.

Article 5 – ORDERS

The Operator strives to guarantee optimal availability of its Products. Product offers are valid while stocks last.

If, despite the best efforts of the Operator, a Product proves to be unavailable after the Customer's order, the Operator will inform the Customer by email as soon as possible and the Customer will have the choice between:

  • the delivery of a Product of a quality and price equivalent to that initially ordered, or
  • reimbursement of the price of the Product ordered at the latest within thirty (30) days of payment of the amounts already paid.

It is agreed that apart from the reimbursement of the price of the unavailable Product, if this option is requested by the Customer, the Operator is not liable for any cancellation compensation, unless the non-performance of the contract is personally attributable to him.

With the exception of any contrary notice appearing in these General Conditions and without prejudice to the right of withdrawal provided for by applicable law, the Customer's orders are firm and final.

When placing an order, the Customer must select the chosen Products, add them to their basket, indicating the selected Products and the desired quantities. The Customer has the possibility to check the details of his order and its total price, and to return to previous pages to possibly correct the contents of his basket, before validating it.

The Customer undertakes to read the General Conditions of Sale then in force before accepting them and confirming the terms and possible delivery and withdrawal costs prior to payment of his order. Confirmation of the order entails acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions and forms the contract.

The contractual information relating to the order (including in particular the order number) will be confirmed by e-mail in good time and at the latest at the time of delivery. The Operator strongly advises the Customer to print and/or archive this order confirmation on a reliable and durable medium as proof. A digital invoice is made available to the Customer in the “My Account” area. The Operator also advises the Customer to print and/or archive this invoice on a reliable and durable medium as proof.

Any email sent to the Customer in the context of an order will be sent to the email address that the Customer uses to identify himself in his customer area.

The Operator reserves the right not to validate the Customer's order for any legitimate reason, in particular in the event that:

  • The Customer does not respect the General Conditions in force at the time of his order;
  • The Customer's order history shows that sums remain due for previous orders;
  • One of the Customer's previous orders is the subject of a dispute currently being processed;
  • The Customer did not respond to a request for confirmation of his order that the Operator sent to him.

The Operator archives Product sales contracts in accordance with applicable legislation. By submitting a request to the following address hello@ateliermarkiz.com , the Operator will provide the Customer with a copy of the contract subject to the request.

Any modification of the order by the Customer after confirmation of his order is subject to the agreement of the Operator.

The information communicated by the Customer when placing the order (in particular name and delivery address) is binding on the Customer. Thus, the Operator cannot be held liable in any way in the event that an error when placing the order prevents or delays delivery/delivery.

The Customer declares that he has full legal capacity allowing him to commit to these General Conditions.

Registration is open to capable adults and minors provided that they act under the supervision of the parent or guardian having parental authority. Under no circumstances is registration authorized on behalf of third parties unless you are validly authorized to represent them (legal entity for example). Registration is strictly personal to each Client.

In the event of breach by the Customer of any of the provisions herein, the Operator reserves the right to terminate said Customer's account without notice.


The Customer expressly acknowledges that any order placed on the Site is an order with payment obligation, which requires the payment of a price in exchange for the supply of the Product ordered.

In any event, the Operator reserves the right to check the validity of the payment, before shipping the order, by all necessary means.

The Operator uses the following online payment solutions: Apple Pay, PayPal, Shopify Payment.

Orders can be paid using one of the following payment methods:

  • Payment by credit card. Payment is made directly on the secure banking servers of the Operator's bank; the Customer's bank details do not pass through the Site. The bank details communicated during payment are protected by an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption process. In this way, these contact details are not accessible to third parties.

The Customer's order is recorded and validated upon acceptance of payment by the bank.

The Customer's account will be debited for the corresponding amount only when (i) the details of the bank card used have been verified and (ii) the debit has been accepted by the bank that issued the bank card.

The inability to debit the sums due will result in the immediate nullity of the sale.

The bank card may in particular be refused if it has expired, if it has reached the maximum spending amount to which the Customer is entitled or if the data entered is incorrect.

  • Payment by electronic wallet (Paypal type). The Client already has an account on the electronic wallet used by the Operator. The Customer can use this account and pay for their order in complete security without providing their bank details.

Where applicable, the order validated by the Customer will only be considered effective when the secure banking payment center has given its agreement to the transaction.

As part of the control procedures, the Operator may have to ask the Customer for all the documents necessary to finalize their order. These parts will not be used for any purpose other than these.


The price of the Products in effect at the time of the order is indicated in euros, all taxes included (TTC), excluding delivery and transport costs. In the event of a promotion, the Operator undertakes to apply the promotional price to any order placed during the period of advertising for the promotion.

The price is payable in euros (€) exclusively. The price is due in full after confirmation of the order. The prices offered include discounts and rebates that the Operator may grant.

If delivery or transport costs apply, they will be added to the price of the Products and indicated separately before validation of the order by the Customer. The total amount owed by the Customer and its details are indicated on the order confirmation page.


The contract between the Operator and the Customer is formed when the Customer sends the confirmation of his order.

The archiving of communications, purchase orders and invoices is ensured by the Operator on a reliable and durable medium so as to constitute a faithful and durable copy. These communications, purchase orders and invoices may be produced as proof of the contract. Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by the Operator on the Internet or by telephone constitutes proof of all transactions between the Operator and its Customers.


The Operator remains the exclusive owner of the Products ordered on the Site until receipt of the full price, including any shipping costs.


The online sales offers presented on the site are available internationally.

Delivery means the transfer to the Customer of physical possession or control of the Product.

The Operator offers different delivery or delivery methods depending on the nature of the product:

  • Delivery by green letter for bandanas, collars, scrunchies, textile and biothane leashes, poop bag pouches and treat pouches.
  • Delivery by Colissimo or Mondial Relay for rope, banana, harness and raincoat leashes.

Shipping costs are those specified when finalizing the order and are accepted by validation of the order .

The Operator undertakes, in accordance with the delivery deadline indicated on the Site for each of the Products, to deliver the Products within a maximum period of thirty (30) days after receipt of the order.

Delivery times are announced in working days on the Site when ordering. These deadlines include the preparation and shipping of the order as well as the deadline provided by the carrier.

The Operator undertakes to ship the Products in accordance with the deadlines announced on each Product sheet and at basket level, provided that payment for the order has not been previously refused.

However, if one or more Products cannot be delivered within the time initially announced, the Operator will send an email informing the Customer of the new delivery date.

The Products will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer when ordering. It is therefore up to him to check that this address does not contain any errors. The Operator cannot be held liable if the address provided by the Customer is incorrect, thus preventing or delaying delivery.

Upon delivery, you may be asked to sign a receipt.

No delivery will be made to a PO box.

Upon delivery, it is the Customer's responsibility to check that the Products delivered comply with their order and that the package is sealed and undamaged. If this is not the case, the Customer must indicate this on the delivery slip. No complaint about the quantity or condition of the Product will be accepted if the complaint has not been included on the delivery slip.


If a delivered Product does not give complete satisfaction to the Customer, the latter may return it to the Operator. The Customer will have fourteen (14) days to do so from the date of receipt of the order.

In accordance with article L.221-21 of the Consumer Code and in order to implement this right of withdrawal under the conditions of articles L. 221-18 et seq. of the Consumer Code, the Customer is invited to express his return request by email to hello@ateliermarkiz.com

The Operator will send an acknowledgment of receipt of the Customer's withdrawal request by e-mail.

Return costs are the responsibility of the Customer.

The returned Product must be in its original packaging, in perfect condition, suitable for resale, unused and with all possible accessories.

In addition to the returned Product, the return package must also contain a letter specifying the exact and complete contact details (surname, first name, address) of the Customer as well as the order number, and the original purchase invoice.

The Operator will reimburse the Customer for the amount of the Product within fourteen (14) days from receipt of the Product and all the elements enabling the Customer to be reimbursed. This reimbursement may be made by the same means of payment as that used for the Customer. As such, the Customer who paid for his order in the form of credits / gift vouchers may be reimbursed by credits / gift vouchers according to the wishes of the Operator.

By accepting these General Conditions of Sale, the Customer expressly acknowledges having been informed of the withdrawal procedures.


The Customer can contact the Operator:

  • at the following number: 0637113079 on the following opening days and hours: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • by email to the address hello@ateliermarkiz.com indicating their name, telephone number, the subject of their request and the number of the order concerned.


The Operator is the sole owner of all elements present on the Site, in particular and without limitation, all texts, files, animated or non-animated images, photographs, videos, logos, drawings, models, software, brands, visual identity, database , structure of the Site and all other elements of intellectual property and other data or information (hereinafter, the Elements ”) which are protected by French and international laws and regulations relating in particular to intellectual property.

Consequently, none of the Elements of the Site may in whole or part be modified, reproduced, copied, duplicated, sold, resold, transmitted, published, communicated, distributed, broadcast, represented, stored, used, rented or exploited in any other way. , free of charge or for a fee, by a Customer or by a third party, whatever the means and/or supports used, whether known or unknown to date, without the express prior written authorization of the Operator on a case-by-case basis, and the Customer is solely responsible for any unauthorized use and/or exploitation.


The Operator cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of the contract due to the Customer or due to an event qualified as force majeure by the competent courts or even the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of any third party herein.

The Customer acknowledges that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions over the Internet. Therefore, the Operator does not guarantee that the Site and its services will operate without interruption or operating error. In particular, their use may be temporarily interrupted due to maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or to change their content and/or their presentation.

The Operator cannot be held responsible for any use made of the Site and its services by Customers in violation of these General Conditions and for any direct or indirect damage that this use could cause to a Customer or a third party. In particular, the Operator cannot be held responsible for false declarations made by a Customer and for their behavior towards third parties. In the event that the Operator is held liable for such behavior by one of its Customers, the latter undertakes to guarantee the Operator against any conviction pronounced against it as well as to reimburse the Exploiter of all costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred for his defense.


The hypertext links available on the Site may refer to third-party sites not published by the Operator. They are provided solely for the convenience of the Customer, in order to facilitate the use of resources available on the Internet. If the Customer uses these links, he will leave the Site and will then agree to use third-party sites at his own risk or, where applicable, in accordance with the conditions which govern them.

The Customer acknowledges that the Operator does not control or contribute in any way to the development of the conditions of use and/or the content applying to or appearing on these third party sites.

Consequently, the Operator cannot be held responsible in any way whatsoever due to these hypertext links.

Furthermore, the Customer acknowledges that the Operator cannot endorse, guarantee or take over all or part of the conditions of use and/or the content of these third-party sites.

The Operator invites the Customer to notify it of any hypertext link present on the Site which would allow access to a third-party site offering content contrary to the laws and/or good morals.



These General Conditions constitute a contract governing the relations between the Client and the Operator. They constitute the entirety of the rights and obligations of the Company and the Operator relating to their subject matter. If one or more stipulations of these General Conditions are declared null in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations will retain their full force and scope. Furthermore, the fact for one of the parties to these General Conditions not to take advantage of a failure by the other party to any of the provisions of these General Conditions cannot be interpreted as a waiver on its part of avail themselves of such a breach in the future.


The Operator reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the content of the Site or the services available there, and/or to temporarily or permanently cease operating all or part of the Site.

In addition, the Operator reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the location of the Site on the Internet, as well as these General Conditions. The Customer is therefore required to refer to these General Conditions before using the Site.

The Customer acknowledges that the Operator cannot be held responsible in any way whatsoever towards him or any third party as a result of these modifications, suspensions or cessations.

The Operator advises the Customer to save and/or print these General Conditions for safe and long-term storage, and thus be able to invoke them at any time during the execution of the contract if necessary.


In the event of a dispute, you must first contact the company's customer service at the following contact details: hello@ateliermarkiz.com


These General Conditions are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law.


The Customer acknowledges having read these General Conditions carefully.

By registering on the Site, the Customer confirms having read the General Conditions and accept them, making him contractually bound by the terms of these General Conditions.

The General Conditions applicable to the Customer are those available on the date of the order, a copy of which dated to date can be given to the Customer upon request, it is therefore specified that any modification of the General Conditions which is made by the Operator will not be will not apply to any order placed previously, unless expressly agreed by the Customer at the origin of a given order.